ILI9341 TFT SPI Display to Arduino

This article is being re-written due to issues with it. Should be corrected in around 2-3 days.

In this video we look at connecting a ILI9341 TFT SPI display to an arduino. These screens are very common and quite cheap at time of writing (for their capabilities). They typically come in 320×240 resolution, full colour, touch screen enabled and have a built in SD card reader. In this episode we look at just using the screen display and in a later video we’ll look at the SD card and touch facilities it offers.

If you want to buy one of the screens then here are some affiliate links to various online stores, the price remains the same for you but this website gets a small commission on anything bought. This is a great way to support the site without any direct cost you!

ILI9341 Screen :
Amazon :

Here is the video and the circuit diagram is just after it (Video removed, being re-done)

ILI9341 SPI Display to Arduino