Quickie: Using PIR sensors with Arduino

March 12, 2020 XTronical 0

The video covers using PIR (Passive InfraRed) sensors with an Arduino. These are simple movement sensors and although libraries are available they are not required to work with these devices. The sample code shown in the video is shown below.

Review of 2019

January 12, 2020 XTronical 0

My humble review of 2019, showing favourite/popular/ unpopular videos. Nothing else to be said!

Star Trek: Real Working Sick-Bay – Build #2

August 2, 2019 XTronical 4

If you haven’t read the previous article (part 1) then I suggest you follow this link otherwise this write-up won’t be of much use! In the last article we got the screen and the MAX30100 pulse/oximeter up and working. In this one we’re going to add everything else! A video […]

Star Trek: Real Working Sick-Bay – Build #1

July 31, 2019 XTronical 0

This article supports a video on the build of the Star Trek Sick Bay project (external you tube link). You should watch that video as well as this article as it contains information not mentioned below. This is part one of a two part write up. Doing all this on […]

Driving motors

June 13, 2019 XTronical 0

When you want some movement a motor is usually the first item you’ll turn to, yet they need some caution when working with micro-controllers or indeed any controlling electronics. If you’re looking at driving stepper-motors or servo motors then see these articles (steppers, servos) . This article and supporting video will look at driving analogue motors like the ones shown below;

Lego + Arduino : Classic 9V Technic Motors

May 30, 2019 XTronical 0

Lego have produced many styles of motors over the years (including clockwork ones!) but one of the most popular old style motors was the 9V Technic one, used in many builds. Many of you may still have these motors hanging about. In the video below we look at how to […]

Lego + Arduino : Using Cheap Servo Motors

May 18, 2019 XTronical 3

In this video we will look at how to use cheap servo motors with our Lego, and use an Arduino to control it. (although the theory is applicable to any MCU). In the next article we will look at IR proximity sensors and use them both together in a Lego […]

Using DAC’s on an Arduino

May 2, 2019 XTronical 0

This article shows how to use the MCP4725 DAC (Digital to Analogue Converter) on an Arduino. Arduino’s like many other MCU’s lack this useful functionality.